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5 Steps to Boosting Team Efficiency Using a Real-Time Team Collaboration Tool

The year 2020 saw many changes introduced to business processes.

The year 2020 saw many changes introduced to business processes. While being forced to go remote, organizations worldwide are looking for tools that will allow them to continue their operations uninterrupted. Binding the work of multiple departments seems to pose a particular challenge. Not being able to communicate swiftly and assign work within a project can affect the outcome. Here’s how you can painlessly transfer to working remotely and get the most out of it.

Step 1: Multiple departments, single project

A common problem that many managers dealing with modelling and process designing face is the coordination of a number of departments involved in a project. Some communication misunderstandings seem to be unavoidable, which may greatly affect how the project turns out.

Technology like the GoJS library combined with SignalR has allowed Synergy Codes to develop a sophisticated real-time collaboration module (Multiplayer module) which can solve some of the issues just mentioned.

What the module does is it gets different departments involved in co-creating a project by splitting the work into the design, implementation, and production stages, as well as cross-tasking between various individuals. Such setup creates a structured path of development and allows different teams to contribute in a meaningful way.

Step 2: Communication simplified

Complex processes require a constant exchange of opinions. Efficient communication is crucial to pushing the project forward and not every tool on the market allows for it.

The Multiplayer solution by Synergy Codes provides useful features such as commenting, enabling roles within the project, and saving change history. Also, planning and execution of work is saved automatically, with the option to undo changes within one’s own workspace. Adding new users is a breeze too.

The Multiplayer module allows for designing production lines, modeling corporate processes, modeling and monitoring networks and servers, building organizational structures, and more.

Step 3: Stay flexible

Developing specialized products can be troublesome because of the many contractors usually involved. Modelling a complex process that meets their requirements can be near impossible.

In such cases, a custom solution that meets all the advanced requirements of a project, as well as keeps the door open for future improvements is the way to go.

Step 4: Scalability

Process modelling and data visualization tools should be able to keep up with the changes taking place in the structures of large organizations. Unfortunately, it’s often the organization that has to adjust to the tool and set up its processes accordingly.

The previously mentioned Multiplayer solution is fully scalable indeed and can grow alongside with you. The tool can be freely developed in line with the changes taking place within your organization, which isn’t the case with off-the-shelf solutions.

Step 5: Intuitive UX

People involved in a project tend to change over time so it becomes necessary to train newcomers in the use of relevant tools. Explaining the methodology and characteristics of a project can get quite time-consuming.

The best solutions are custom, created for the specific project’s needs and allowing users to conveniently interact with it and each other, as well as edit the interface, should the need be. Also, Synergy Code solutions can be white labeled to make the final UX even smoother.

Taking the most recent business transformations into account, we’d like to be able to meet the needs of our customers head-on. Our Multiplayer module is designed to help you build, run, and monitor processes fully online. With it, there’s no need to stop or suspend work in many niches.

If you'd like to learn more about what Multiplayer can do for your business, schedule a demo and explore its features.