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Cellulite – What Is It And Can It Be Treated?

Cellulite is the lumpy, bumpy skin around 90% of women develop at some point in their lives.

Cellulite is the lumpy, bumpy skin around 90% of women develop at some point in their lives.Even the fittest women can experience run ins with cellulite.This is because cellulite is linked to hormones and genes rather than diet and lifestyle, although the healthier those are the better.The fact is though that the subcutaneous layer of skin in women is predisposed to develop cellulite.Their epidermis for a start is much thinner than in men, which allows clusters of fat cells called adipose papillae to push it up out of shape.

The other feature that predisposes women to cellulite is the fact that they have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat.It’s a lot thicker than that found in men and is structured quite differently.Where men have small fat cell chambers that are well supported by a criss-crossing network of connective tissues called septa, these fat cell chambers in women are large, upright freestanding structures with domed ends.The septa likewise are arranged vertically between the fat chambers rather than through them, thus providing far less support than the crisscrossing structure in men.This, coupled with their weak dome shaped tops, makes women’s fat cell chambers more prone to breaking open.When they do, they release clusters of fat cells (adipose papillae) that accumulate and cluster in lumps up against the epidermis, which being thin in women, gets pushed up into the lumps and bumps associated with cellulite.

There are a lot of other factors involved in the development of cellulite – hormones, age, poor circulation, and genetics for instance all play a part.Over the decades, various types of cellulite treatments have come and gone.Deep massage, once considered a useful and moderately successful treatment, is now thought to do more harm than good.This is because it can stimulate the production of excess tissue fluids as it breaks down the fat cell chambers and unless there is good lymph and blood flow out of the area, may increase the problem.

However, a type of massage called Manual Lymphatic Drainage, or MLD, which encourages better lymph flow without increasing blood flow, is proving successful in treating cellulite in some women.It does need to be performed by trained, certified professionals however to work effectively.

Cellulite Treatments – Do They Work

Other types of cellulite treatments include liposuction, which is only moderately successful as a long-term solution for cellulite because of cellulite’s relationship with hormones rather than diet and lifestyle.However, women with less body fat and eating low fat, low carbohydrates diets typically have less cellulite because they’re not providing as much fuel to manufacture excess fat cells.

Acoustic wave therapy is moderately successful but it does require multiple sessions.The same applies to laser cellulite treatment.Both can temporarily improve the appearance of cellulite but further treatments are often required to keep it that way.Laser treatment breaks up the fatty tissue in the subcutaneous layer, and helps increase collagen production.This in turn thickens the epidermis, making it more impervious to being displaced by clustering fat cells underneath.

Subcision and vacuum-assisted precise tissue release involve breaking up, or cutting, the connective tissue bands in the skin.This smooths out the lumps in the skin, thus reducing the cellulite appearance.Both methods can last for several years.

Carboxytherapy is another popular cellulite treatment that uses carbon dioxide gas inserted under the skin to break down fat cells.At the same time, the gas promotes increased blood flow to the area which helps facilitate the removal of excess waste whilst enhancing collagen production.Carboxytherapy is preferred over liposuction for cellulite treatment as it’s less invasive, quicker, less painful, and has virtually no long term side effects.If you’re considering carboxytherapy, there are a number of specialist cosmetic medical centers offering this type of cellulite treatment in Costa Rica.