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Is your Rehab Clinic Online?

Going Digital could be an Unexpected way to stay Relevant in 2021

The digital world is the way forward for most businesses. For the health sector, this fact is no different. Whether it be the supply of online therapy, or whether it be video consultations with doctors and consultants, medicine is moving online… and if your rehab clinic hasn’t followed suite, it might just get left behind in the digital dust.


Why Don’t Rehab Clinics have Websites?

As a general rule, rehab clinics don’t tend to advertise. To this day, addiction, emotional problems, and mental ill-health, are seen as something to be ashamed of. Historically speaking, those that needed rehab were seen as somehow weaker willed than other people… fortunately, modern medicine has shown this is nonsense. Mental ill-health and emotional problems are the result of chemical imbalances in the brain and are certainly not to be sneered at. Still, the world of rehab clinics is a largely unknown one.


Now, there are some of the larder rehab centres out there who do advertise. A quick search shows numerous rehab clinic pages in England and Wales – but the majority of these pages all belong to the same two or three service providers. As with all things internet, SEO steals the top spots, pushing every other location to the rear pages. On average, 70% of all web traffic goes to those top three spots on Google listings… if you’re not in them, you’re probably not getting the traffic that you should be… which leads us to our next problem. It isn’t just that your rehab clinic needs to be online, it’s that it needs to be optimised to be found, seen, and heard.


How to Setup a Website for your Rehab Clinic?

That’s where the pro software creators at Strikingly come in. They have already produced some of the best webpage building programmes on the internet for you to use. Place together your building blocks to make an exemplary rehab website in mere minutes… because the faster you can create a page, the sooner you can start reaching those clients.


When you run a rehab clinic you are already saving lives. The more people you can reach, the more lives you can save. It is estimated that only one in five people with an addiction in the UK ever go on to get help… start capturing the other four and you could make a real difference in this world. Strikingly could be the difference between your site being visible and your site being hidden. Start building your online domain today to give your clients the best chance possible at finding your rehab clinic. It’s just good business sense.

Other Ways to Increase Visibility

To help you to extend that reach even farther as a rehab clinic operating in the UK, we recommend you do the following things.


1 – Social Media Inclusion

Start building social media accounts through sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tik Tok. There are several American rehab clinics who depend on their social media accounts to extend their advertising reach. They share funny videos, engage in their local communities, and generally attract attention to issues that we, as a society, have been sweeping under the carpet for far too long. Join as many accounts as you can and post to them daily for best effect.


2 –Join Comparison Sites

Comparison sites seem to be the way forward for everything from home insurance to flights… why should rehab be any different? For best chances at a successful partnership, we suggest sticking to the high end services that seek to provide a tailored rehab experience. Sites like will vet clients who want to go to rehab, then match them to the best facility for them. If your rehab clinic offers niche therapies, this is exactly what you need in order to extend your reach.


3 – Optimise your Site

The third and final step to increasing your website’s visibility once created, is to optimise each page so that it is easier for Google and other search engines to find. This means filling in your contacts page with an address, mentioning your local area on every page at least once, adding links to your social media pages, and even placing your business on Google Maps. Once done, clients will easily find your business if they are performing a search for rehab in your local area.


Drawing Conclusions

Ultimately, the modern world is going digital. We don’t need to speak to each other in person anymore, particularly not it there is a risk of spreading disease. Instead, let’s go digital, be safer, and explore new advertising streams. The future is what we make of it. Let’s get rehab online with the rest of the world.