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The Oh So Confusing World Of Low Carb Diets

The world of diets, and dieting, is a very confusing place for the uninitiated

The world of diets, and dieting, is a very confusing place for the uninitiated, especially when it comes to low carb diets. There are also a lot of conflicting studies about these diets, along with equally as conflicting interpretations of the information provided by those studies! The debates about them can be seen all over, especially on the Internet. There are also tens of millions of US citizens on one low-carb diet or another.

Supporters of low carb diets like the Keto diet argue that the amount of carbohydrates in the modern diet is responsible for a myriad of health problems including diabetes, obesity, and many others. Others argue that obesity is caused by a combination of excess calorie consumption and lack of sufficient physical activity to burn them off. They point out that diets lacking in foods like fruit, vegetables, and grains could cause deficiencies in vital nutrients like vitamin C, folic acid, many minerals, and dietary fiber.

It’s common knowledge that most diets, regardless of carbohydrate content, can produce significant weight loss during the initial stages. However, much of this loss is water and once that tapers off, many dieters find their weight loss also tapers off. Therefore, the key to a successful diet is continuing to lose weight, and more importantly, keep it off. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at some of the more popular low-carb diets.

Lowering carbohydrate consumption inevitably means that fats and protein will then make up the bulk of the calorie intake. When this is taken to extremes by eliminating carbohydrates almost completely the body goes into ketosis. In ketosis, the body switches over to using fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates, which is the principle behind the keto diet and dietary supplements like the Angelina Jolie weight loss keto pill. Other low carb diets only remove certain carbohydrates that are prone to raising blood sugar levels, like processed sugars, bread, and similar items.

Are low carb diets effective, or even safe? There are many medical professionals, dieticians, and others in a position to know, who say they are. They also claim they’re extremely effective at countering a wide range of health disorders like obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and many others. There are also studies to back up their claims. However, there are also medical studies that say the opposite, that low carb diets are not proven to be either safe or effective. This is despite the many, many thousands of people who have had a great deal of success with them.

A large empirical study conducted by Harvard researchers, and released in 2018, is one such ‘anti’ low-carb diet study. Unfortunately though, like many other studies on this topic, it has a number of significant flaws. Furthermore, a fair percentage of Harvard’s funding for this type of nutrition research comes from sources like the sugar industry. Therefore, much of their research in this area should probably be considered somewhat subjective!

What is the average person simply looking for a way to lose weight to make of all this confusion? Our advice is to do your research thoroughly with an open mind. Learn about, and understand, the pros and cons of the diet. Speak to medical professionals and dieticians who prescribe the diet to patients and clients, and also speak to those who don’t. If those who don’t can’t come up with any valid reasons other than quoting research, it’s probably safe to assume they don’t actually have first hand experience of whether or not such diets do work. Read testimonials. Try products like Angelina Jolie weight loss pills as promoted by the Angelina Jolie weight loss business and see if they work. However, be aware that pills and potions are typically not as effective as doing the diet itself but if they work for you, then you may just have found your solution to losing weight.